
Showing posts from April 16, 2017

Positive Affirmations for Kids

I want to share a powerful video (b /2oAGQB0) with you that is designed for kids to affirm their identity, empower, equip, and instill confidence.  When positive words and images go in their subconscious it equips them for a successful life! Our words are so powerful and help determine our behavior. Tao Tzu says “Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”   The words we speak are so powerful and can cause either life or death. This is why it is important that we monitor what our kids watch on television, and listen to and download on the radio, iPad, iPod, and Pandora.  It is definitely what goes in our subconscious mind (where we are not alert and aware to make decisions) that we speak and behave.  Have you ever meant to sa...