
Showing posts from May 21, 2017

Phenomenal Women Speak Life!!!

PHENOMENAL WOMEN SPEAK LIFE!!! 'You are powerful Beyond Measure' (Williamson) The word you speak can be life or death. So it is vital that you say, hear and think positive words, as well as see and visualize positive images in your mind. Words are vital to your life physically, psychologically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. BE FILLED with courage, wisdom, strength, and the honor it takes to speak life to yourself, your family, your co-workers, and others who may be on your heart that you think about and rarely see.  Many times negative self-talk can weave it's way into your life from day to day.  Guard against that by reading and listening to something positive everyday, especially when you first wake up to help control the spirit of your day. Recommended listening:  Lisa Nichols  - Les Brown  -  John C. Maxwell (A Minute with Maxwell) What are some ways you Push Pause on Negative Self-...

Time for a Relationship Checkup

You are Virtuous (of great worth with high moral standards), precious; worth more than rubies and pearls. So be mindful of your time, intelligence, wisdom, talent, skills, and resources. How many times have you allowed others to monopolize your time, energy, etc. because you didn't have the courage or heart to say NO, good bye or not no w. I want to encourage you to examine your relationships to see if they are serving you and your purposes in life.  Are they nurturing, uplifting, calling you to rise to your next level? Or are they relationships where you are always doing the pouring out, spending your time and dime?  It is always good  to serve others from your overflow while your cup stays full. Be FILLED with encourage to examine your relationships and see if they are serving you and your purposes in life.  Are they nurturing, uplifting, calling you to rise to your next level? Or are they relationships where you are always doing the po...