
Showing posts from October 22, 2017

The Power of Beliefs in Trauma

Ok Phenomenal Women!  L et's have an intimate conversation. HAVE YOU EVER HAD A GOAL OR DREAM THAT WAS SO BIG YOU WERE SCARED TO TELL ANYONE? What I really mean is, do you believe you can achieve your goal that you DESPERATELY want to achieve this week, this month, this year? You know the one that you don't want to tell anyone about because deep down inside you're scared it is not going to happen? Yeah that one. If anything comes to mind then I want you to ask yourself, do you REALLY believe in you? If so, list 1 goal below that is beyond your natural reach. Then commit to saying it every day twice a day for 60 days straight. If you miss a day or two start all over again. You will quickly find your belief (or confidence) in you as well as your abilities will increase improve just because of your intentional commitment to focus on what you really want. This simple exercise will bring clarity and direction.  Check out my latest video on The Powe...