
Showing posts from June 11, 2017

Goodbye Lack & Hello Wealth

I am Gaining the MindSHIFT of Both/And W hile I leave the Mindset of Either/Or Phenomenal Women as you RISE in your greatness I am calling you to be DECISIVE. I am calling you to leave the mindset of Either/Or and Say Hello to a MindSHIFT of BOTH/AND and accept abundance in your life. When you take on the mindset of having either/or you limit yourself. The same goes if you have the mindset of 'I will do either/or'; I will go here or there.  This limiting mind set can put you head in a space where you are surrounded by negative energy, stressful situations, circumstances, and unrest. A large part of this mindset is mainly due to LACK.  You may lack DIRECTION, FOCUS, ABUNDANCE, and IDENTITY.    When you  SHIFT  your mind into the mode of having Both/And  this shift can cause you to gain things, relationships, divine connections, creative ideas, witty inventions, knowledge, nurturing, greater perception, greater discernment, peace,...