Goodbye Lack & Hello Wealth

I am Gaining the MindSHIFT of Both/And
While I leave the Mindset of Either/Or
Phenomenal Women as you RISE in your greatness I am calling you to be DECISIVE. I am calling you to leave the mindset of Either/Or and Say Hello to a MindSHIFT of BOTH/AND and accept abundance in your life. When you take on the mindset of having either/or you limit yourself. The same goes if you have the mindset of 'I will do either/or'; I will go here or there.  This limiting mindset can put you head in a space where you are surrounded by negative energy, stressful situations, circumstances, and unrest. A large part of this mindset is mainly due to LACK.  You may lack DIRECTION, FOCUS, ABUNDANCE, and IDENTITY. 
 When you SHIFT your mind into the mode of having Both/And this shift can cause you to gain things, relationships, divine connections, creative ideas, witty inventions, knowledge, nurturing, greater perception, greater discernment, peace, more love, a greater capacity to forgive, and the ability to be in divine alignment with your destiny and purpose.
 You are created to enjoy ABUNDANT LIFE full of Both/And!!!  (if your vision for life is about more than just you)
Stay tuned for more...  Send me your thoughts and share this with someone it may empower and inspire.

Traci Your Sister in Self-Care
Your #1 Beauty Consultant           


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