Goodby LACK & Hello Wealth Part 2

Phenomenal Women! I bless you to be FILLED with the courage, tenacity, strength, grace, and endurance to leave behind old mindsets, habits, and relationships that are not serving you in this season. Press for the MARK of  high calling.  In other words there are always signs along the way in your journey of life.  Are you following the Signs in your journey?  Pay attention to the signs and be not fearful of change. Come on let's SHIFT and be fluid - there is a more excellent way. 

Phenomenal Women I admonish those of you that are ready RISE not to be  set in your ways of thinking, believing, and doing things - continue the SHIFT of accepting that you can have BOTH/AND. You can do more, be more, provide more, ROCK and TRANSFORM your world more, etc.

I want to share with you one area of why it can be difficult to move from a mindset to a mindSHIFT.
One of the largest areas is LACK of VISION.  The inability to see, perceive, discern, and conceive the life you want and don't have yet. Where there is a lack of vision the people perish. We must write the vision and make it plain.  In "Think & Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill suggests that you write your vision down on paper and commit to memorize it.  When we don't keep our vision before us we loose focus, we loose heart, you can loose hope, and become more easily distracted.  But when you have doves eyes (single vision) you can achieve what you perceive.  Or you can compare this to a race horse.  Often Race Horses wear blinders because they have peripheral vision.  But when they run their race with blinders (like we walk, act, make decisions by faith) they are focused on what is in front of them; they are not able to see the side and behind them.

When you take your focus off the vision for your life you risk the ability to allow others write your vision for you.  Even if you have a vision and lack focus on your vision you run the risk of lack of trust in your own ability, which can lead to others writing your life story for you. 
I want to share with you a few ways or examples of how you can tell if your mind is set and not willing and ready to SHIFT from Either/Or to Both/And

XOXO  Your Sister in Love & Prosperity,
Traci Williams


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