I want to encourage you single ladies to be strong and of good courage; don't give up on your dreams and goals just because you had a bad experience(s). What you may call a failure others would say it is just data. Take the experience(s) and learn from them. Thomas Edison said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. "
And don't give up on your Boaz (husband) because you had a bad experience with the wrong one; he just wasn't the ONE for you. Know that God has something and someone better for you. Paulo Coelcho says "there's only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; the fear of failure."
And don't get frustrated and give up on God because things don't go your way or when things don't come through when you want them to; or in your timing. God will NOT give up on you. He is FAITHFUL and whatever He promises He is sure to bring it to pass.
What are your thoughts about what to do when you are between your promise and your purpose? What can you do to stay motivated to keep reaching for your goals and dreams.
Your #1 Beauty Consultant,
Traci Williams
Be Beautiful Inside & Out
What are your thoughts about what to do when you are between your promise and your purpose? What can you do to stay motivated to keep reaching for your goals and dreams.
Your #1 Beauty Consultant,
Traci Williams
Be Beautiful Inside & Out
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